Ariful Sikder

Full Stack Developer | PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, Nuxt.js | API Expert

Experienced Full-Stack Developer with a strong grasp of PHP, Laravel, Livewire, MySQL, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, jQuery, and Git. Skilled in developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining high-performance web applications. Known for optimizing web application performance and adeptly troubleshooting technical issues. With expertise in live server deployment, I ensure a seamless shift from development to a reliable and efficient production environment.


Full Stack Developer

Aquorix Digital is a specialized web development company offering a diverse range of services, including Web Design and Development, Digital Marketing, Business Consultancy, Graphics Design, and more. Our focus is on leveraging creativity and strategic expertise to nurture and enhance your brand. What sets us apart is our steadfast commitment to prioritizing Client Satisfaction. Your success is our paramount goal, and we diligently strive to exceed your expectations at every turn. Embark on a transformative journey with us to revolutionize your digital presence and propel your business to unprecedented heights. Experience the Aquorix difference today.

August 2023 - Present

Full Stack Developer

Upwork is a well-known online platform that connects freelancers with clients seeking various services, including web development, design, writing, marketing, and more. It allows freelancers to create profiles showcasing their skills and expertise, while clients can post projects and hire freelancers directly through the platform. Upwork provides tools for communication, project management, and payment processing to facilitate smooth collaboration between freelancers and clients.

October 2023 - Present

Full Stack Developer

At WakeUp ICT, I've immersed myself in diverse full-stack development projects, enhancing my expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. Through collaborative teamwork, I've tackled challenges head-on, consistently delivering reliable solutions. My experience at WakeUp ICT continues to shape my skills and deepen my understanding of technology.

January 2021 - Present

Junior Laravel Developer

During my time as a Junior Laravel Developer at WakeUp ICT from January to December 2020, I actively participated in a key project showcasing WakeUp ICT's commitment to optimizing business processes. This experience not only broadened my skills but also aligned with WakeUp ICT's mission to deliver impactful technology solutions.

January 2020 - December 2020


Wake up ict

Web Design and Development
2019 May - 2020 June

Learning & Earning Development Project

Web Design and Development
2020 January - 2020 June

Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA)

National University
2019 - 2022

Higher Secondary School Certificate

Rajbari Govt. College
Business Studies

GPA: 3.58

2016 - 2018

Secondary School Certificate

Rajbari Govt. College
Business Studies

GPA: 4.44

2014 - 2016


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Project Kickoff and Planning:
    1. Gather requirements from stakeholders and define project scope.
    2. Create user stories and tasks for the backlog.
    3. Set up project management tools like Jira or Trello to track progress.
  • Design Phase:
    1. Start with wireframing and prototyping using tools like Figma or Sketch.
    2. Implement a mobile-first approach to ensure responsiveness from the outset.
    3. Collaborate with designers to create visually appealing UI/UX designs.
  • Frontend Development:
    1. Utilize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build the frontend.
    2. Leverage frameworks like Vue.js and Nuxt.js for interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
    3. Ensure cross-browser compatibility through testing and debugging.
    4. Implement responsive design using Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.
    5. Utilize NPM for package management and dependency control.
  • Backend Development:
    1. Develop server-side logic using PHP and Laravel.
    2. Integrate Livewire for real-time interactions and seamless frontend-backend communication.
    3. Implement RESTful APIs for communication between frontend and backend.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance:
    1. Conduct thorough testing across different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
    2. Perform unit testing and integration testing for both frontend and backend components.
    3. Collaborate with QA engineers to identify and resolve bugs.
  • Deployment and DevOps:
    1. Set up deployment pipelines using tools like GitLab CI/CD or Jenkins.
    2. Automate deployment processes to streamline releases.
    3. Utilize Docker for containerization and Kubernetes for orchestration if needed.
  • Agile Development and Scrum:
    1. Organize development sprints with clear objectives and timelines.
    2. Conduct daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress and roadblocks.
    3. Iterate based on feedback from stakeholders and end-users.
    4. Prioritize tasks from the backlog based on business value and urgency.
  • Documentation and Knowledge Sharing:
    1. Document important processes, configurations, and codebase for future reference.
    2. Conduct knowledge-sharing sessions to disseminate best practices and new learnings within the team.
    3. Maintain clear and up-to-date documentation for seamless onboarding of new team members.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    1. Regularly review and reflect on the development process to identify areas for improvement.
    2. Encourage a culture of learning and experimentation within the team.
    3. Incorporate feedback from retrospectives to refine the workflow and optimize productivity.


Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. In the winter, I am an avid skiier and novice ice climber. During the warmer months here in Colorado, I enjoy mountain biking, free climbing, and kayaking.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the front-end web development world.